Home Political Alpine gets new county rep

Alpine gets new county rep

On Jan. 4, former state senator and Supervi­sor-elect Joel Anderson took his oath of office for County Supervisor District 2. A tight race, Anderson defeated opponent Poway Mayor Steve Vaus by 282 votes in the Nov. 3 primary election. Former State Sen. Mark Wyland, 38th District, administered the oath of office to Anderson. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the oath of office was held virtually.

Wyland said that it was a “great pleasure” to administer the oath to Anderson, not only because he has been a friend of more than two decades but as colleagues together in the Sen­ate, he saw someone who did an “outstanding job in representing his constituents but was also able to tackle seemingly insurmountable problems successfully.”

Anderson said he wanted to thank Dianne Jacob for her 28 years of service. “All those years she put our district first and worked hard for us,” he said.

Accompanied by his wife Kate, Anderson said he was thankful for her and his children as public service can “sometimes take a toll on one’s family” and that they have always sup­ported him. He said he also wanted to thank the people of District 2.

“They have honored me with the privilege of serving them again and I am going to live up to every obligation that I made in all my campaign promises because they deserve it,” said Anderson. “They de­serve someone fighting for them all the time. I know that we are facing tremendous chal­lenges in the county. Whether it is COVID, homelessness or attainable housing, we are going to be laser focused on those issues de­livering for our community.”

Anderson said he looks forward to working with his new colleagues and has had the op­portunity to meet with each of them.

“They are wonderful people,” he said. “They are absolutely focused on solving problems. I know that even though these challenges are great, together we will climb that hill and we will solve these problems for all San Diegans. I’ve got work to do. You are counting on me showing up day one and I want to get going right now.”