Home Opinion Bring back the light in cracking wall

Bring back the light in cracking wall

By Lissa Weinmann

Ten years ago, the U.S. and Cuba announced the start of normalization between our two countries. Americans and Cubans alike could see a bit of light through a crack in the wall of U.S. restrictions that, for six decades, have blocked normal interaction between close neigh­bors.

The brief opening was largely ceremonial — President Trump rolled much of it back in his first term. And only Congress can truly end the world’s lon­gest running embargo.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio, President-elect Trump’s pick for Secretary of State, embraces the same old Cold War playbook on the issue: punish Cuba, stoke chaos and civil unrest, and hope the government collapses. As far back as JFK, U.S. officials have been trapped in this irratio­nal family feud that empowers hardliners in both governments while holding citizens here and there hostage to a bureaucratic status quo.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Two years of limited open­ing had a positive impact and was supported by a majority of Cuban Americans. Buoyed by Cuban government reforms and cash from families in the U.S., the island’s private sec­tor boomed. Internet access increased and social media exploded with honest voices. American tourists flocked to the country.

Then Trump emphatically rolled this progress back — he even added Cuba to the list of “state sponsors of terrorism,” despite a complete lack of evi­dence.

Today, after a brief glimmer of hope, Cubans are suffer­ing. Hardliners have stopped the economic reform process. Confusion plagues new leaders transitioning from the Castros’ dominance. The pandemic gut­ted tourism, while storms and flooding ravaged crops.

The results have been pre­dictable: An exodus from Cuba has surpassed all migration since the imposition of the em­bargo in 1962. At least half a million have migrated since the end of Trump’s first term — and more are on the way. The island has lost around 10 percent of its population in recent years, a staggering total.

We need to break our ad­diction to this big government policy that displaces people and blocks the rest of us from engag­ing with our neighbors. Ending the embargo would also open doors for Cuban reformers, dis­sidents, human rights activists, and religious leaders alike by removing the Cuban govern­ment’s excuse for its failures.

A bipartisan majority in Con­gress could potentially back a full lifting of the embargo. Gulf Coast states who took the big hit in the 60s when they lost a top trading partner in Cuba could be especially delighted to renew those relations.

”In a scenario of unrestricted trade, the aggregate of food and medical exports alone could amount to $1.6 billion with 20,000 associated U.S. jobs,” former International Trade Commission Chair Paula Stern PhD found in a 2000 study presented to Congress. Those numbers could be much higher today.

There would be other benefits as well.

Companies like Roswell Park in Buffalo, who had to jump through hoops to bring a ground­breaking Cuban-developed lung cancer vaccine to people in the United States, and other health care companies would finally be able to economically partner with world-class Cuban scien­tists on new medical advances.

For Trump, the next steps should be obvious: Avoid blood­shed. Ease the pain. Light the way to a new era in U.S.-Cuba relations.

Lissa Weinmann is a board mem­ber of Windham World Affairs Council. She helped found and di­rect Americans for Humanitarian Trade with Cuba, a coalition that helped ease the embargo’s restric­tions on food sales to Cuba, and directed the National Summit on Cuba. This op-ed was distributed by OtherWords.org.