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Carpenter’s Corner: Blue and gray

Memorial Day is past, but be­fore it passed we had a day to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. One day a year seems like such a short and trivial time for giving thanks. Let us always remember taking time throughout our life to be silent and give thanks to those brave souls who gave up every­thing so that we might enjoy freedom.

Of all the wars fought on our lands, the Civil War was by far the most bloodiest with the most loss of life and casualties of all our national wars combined. The fight between the blue and the gray became an epic battle that tore at and divided our na­tion putting brother against brother. It is not unlike the po­litical atmosphere we find our nation in today.

Most wars are fought over ter­ritory where one nation invades another’s sovereign territory but not our Civil War. The Civil War took its toll on civilians who were forced to suffer many atrocities.

The establishment of slavery in any nation, regardless of the color of a man’s skin, is cruel, in­humane and appalling. However, as horrific as the institution of slavery is, it was never the main reason that divided our nation, plunging it into armed conflict. In short it was the economy of the production of cotton, in the southern states that led to our nation’s ugliest battle.

Freedom is truly worth fight­ing for. Fighting against a ty­rannical dictator, fighting a dis­ease that invades our body and fighting to break the chains of drug and alcohol addiction are all worthy causes in which we should take a stand, draw a line in the sand and confront the evil that threatens us.

From the beginning, the source of all the world’s con­flicts centers around mankind’s selfishness, greed and our un­quenchable thirst and desire to have more.

Evil in all of its forms is basi­cally darkness. Love is looking out for and caring about the interests of others. Love illumi­nates the darkness in the world bringing hope where none exist­ed. Evil cannot exist in the pres­ence of light. Even a very small source of light, from a candle or a flashlight, will illuminate a small room.

We all have a choice to either love each other in God’s light or cover the world in the darkness that engulfs selfishness.

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the dark­ness of this age, against spiri­tual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” Ephesians 6:11-13 NKJV.

The unseen spiritual battle that rages on in our minds will continue to influence us, dividing brothers and sisters into factions which ultimately bring pain, suffering and fur­ther separation.

God’s solution centers on love. His plan was to make the ulti­mate sacrifice. No greater love has a man than to lay down his life for a friend. But God gave His Son to a world who was lost, sinning and who did not love Him. It is a unique plan that de­fies human logic and remains a mystery to those who have not yet received the Holy Spirit.

God intended that we should all receive this gift of unity in the Spirit, where we all share a common bond, genetic connec­tion and beginning. The truth is that we are all related to one another and that this truth can be traced back to a singular­ity of conception. We need to respect this connection, no lon­ger allowing evil, this present spiritual battle, to separate us from each other and God’s love.

Unfortunately, some of us have not yet realized that we have been bought with a price and that they belong to Jesus Christ. The dowry has been paid and wedding plans are in full swing as the bridegroom gets ready to return for his wife, his precious, purchased possession.

It has been said that a little love will always go a very, very long way. It is time to stop fight­ing among ourselves whether the source is ethnic, religious or political. The world can be a better place if we follow the ad­vice of Jesus Christ and begin to love one another.

So while Memorial Day is past let us continue to remem­ber those brave souls who gave everything for us. Let us also continue to remember what our Creator has accomplished by sending His own Son into the world to redeem it.