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Carpenter’s Corner: Shoe leather wisdom

This story takes place over two thousand years ago. James walked into the small shop that was lighted only by the sun which indirectly filled the room through the front win­dow. There were many assorted sandals on sale to choose from. Their straps folded over lifelessly laying on the flat soles in varying lengths and styles. Some had been dyed brown, some natural tan and while oth­ers were darker, almost black.

As James entered the room there was not a soul in sight. A sun dial in the courtyard cast its shadow in the direction of 3:30 pm. An open cupboard behind the counter held sandals, boots and leather bags of all sorts. Ma­ny were waiting to be repaired by the master shoe repairman while others were waiting to be picked up.

The disciple impatiently looked around while pacing back and forth on the dirt floor. Where was the shopkeeper? Minutes seemed like hours as his mind went through a long list of things he had to do that day. There was seed, spices, olive oil, bitter herbs and other things to purchase in the marketplace.

Every year more and more lambs were being sacrificed at the Temple in Jerusalem. Someone had commented that last year over 146,000 lambs had been sacrificed for the sins of the people. There was even a special channel cut into the limestone pavement where a river of blood flowed out to the Kidron valley.

With all the spring rains that they had had the hills were all a lush dark green. Wild grass was everywhere as were the purple and yellow flowers that covered the ground like beautifully col­ored carpets. Because of the Feast Jerusalem was swelling with pilgrims.

James remembered that he was in a hurry to get the rest of his shopping complete and began to bang on the counter for help. Finally, a middle aged man appeared and greeted him with a hearty “Shalom!”

“Can you repair these sheep skin boots?” James asked in haste.

“Listen, young man, you need not be so anxious, please sit down and relax, you will live longer.” replied the master shoe repairman.

“I am in a great hurry; I have many items to purchase for Passover before the preparation day is over at twilight.” James said handing him the pair of badly worm sheep skin boots.

The master shoe repairman looked over the boots then asked for a small down payment and added “If you take one day at a time and learn to stop and smell the roses then you will live lon­ger” the old man was repeating himself.

When James got to the upper room it was almost sundown Wednesday the 13th of the month when all Jews celebrate Passover. Peter and John had returned from the Temple with the Passover lamb as required in the Torah. Everything had been purchased and made ready. Soon Jesus would be coming to teach them, re-telling the story of the exodus from Egypt that took place so many centuries ago.

John was busy putting the unleavened bread into a wooden bowl. There was a water pitcher, bowl and wash cloth sitting near the door. All twelve of the men had ignored the ritual cleans­ing, walking into the upper room with dirty hands and feet.

Just then the Sun flashed as it dipped below the horizon. Quietly, Jesus walked through the door. His disciples hadn’t no­ticed him enter the room as they were all too busy arguing about who was the greatest disciple in their group. Jesus had grown tired of their endless debate as it had been going on for weeks. Stooping down he retrieved the pitcher of water, bowl and tied a towel around his waist.

“What I am doing for you now you do not know but you will wash each other’s feet after I am gone.” said Jesus softly.

After washing all their feet and then his own hands, Jesus broke the bread saying that He was the bread of life, that this bread was indeed his body that was broken for the entire world. Then He picked up the goblet of wine saying this is the cup of the New Covenant, spoken of by Jeremiah the prophet, which is a covenant in my blood, poured out for all for the forgiveness of sin. Then Jesus spoke in a loud voice saying…

“Let not your heart be trou­bled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”

All were silent as they began to sing a hymn.

To be continued next week…