Home Business CHAMBER CHATTER: Holiday lighting contest underway, sign up for light parade

CHAMBER CHATTER: Holiday lighting contest underway, sign up for light parade

The 2018 Best Holiday Deco­rations & Lighting Contest is officially under way in Alpine!

The annual contest started by the Alpine Mountain Empire Chamber of Commerce about four years ago always begins on Nov. 1. Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third-place.

Anyone with a building or property on Alpine Boulevard, Arnold Way or Tavern Road is eligible to enter. Last year Al­pine Special Treatment Center at 2120 Alpine Blvd. came in first and the center’s name is engraved on the Chamber’s per­petual plaque for the winners!

Call (619) 445-2722 or visit www.alpinechamber.com.

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If you want to be in the 23rd Annual Alpine Village Christ­mas Parade of Lights, please complete the required registra­tion soon.

The big holiday march starts at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 7, on Alpine Boulevard at Victoria Drive. Then have fun at the free Snow Festival with real snow at the Alpine Creek Town Center.

Call (619) 445-2722 or visit www.alpinechamber.com to register.

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Alex Ward, new executive di­rector of the Alpine Mountain Empire Chamber of Commerce, made his first official Chamber television appearance on Oct. 29 on KUSI TV.

Talking with reporter Carlos Amezcua on the station’s “Good Morning, San Diego” show, Ward spoke about interesting attractions, events and reasons for people to visit, enjoy and do business in naturally beautiful East San Diego County.

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It’s free health care for chil­dren at the next Kids Care Fest provided by the Grossmont Healthcare District this Satur­day, Nov. 3.

It will be from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. at the Lemon Grove Recreation Center at 3131 School Lane in Lemon Grove. Parking is free.

The healthcare district, a member of the Alpine Mountain Area Chamber of Commerce, will provide free checkups, health information, dental/vi­sion and blood pressure checks, flu shots and safety demonstra­tions. Fun and active games are included. Call (619) 825-5050 or visit www.kidscarefest.org for more information.

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Once again the Alpine Wom­an’s Club has five beautifully decorated homes to visit from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 15, in Alpine. Refreshments will be available throughout the day at the club’s historic Alpine Town Hall headquarters at 2156 Alpine Blvd.

The cost is $30 in advance or $35 from 9:30 a.m. to noon the day of the event at the Alpine Woman’s Club. Adults and chil­dren 13 and older are welcomve.

Advance tickets are available at the Alpine Woman’s Club; the Postal Annex of Alpine, 2710 Alpine Blvd., and Alpine Garden & Gifts, 2442 Alpine Blvd. Proceeds will benefit the Alpine Woman’s Club Scholar­ship, Preservation and Educa­tion Foundation.