Home News County budget reflects values

County budget reflects values

San Diego County Board of Supervisors Chair Nora Vargas presented her second State of the County Address at South­western College on Feb. 21. Af­ter postponing her original date to host a day of service for flood victims from the Jan. 22 storms, Vargas said she was proud of the community and county staff that came out that day who helped more than 1,000 families start rebuilding.

“Our community has shown character, and resolve, and above all else ‘mucho corazón,’” she said.

Vargas said as a first-gener­ation immigrant, she said that the thousands of refugees and immigrants that have come through San Diego strikes “close to her heart.”

“Since the implementation and lifting of Title 42, San Di­ego continues to be equally im­pacted by the sum of global hu­man migration,” she said. “San Diego has seen a significant in­crease in the number of asylum seekers across our border. On average, 700 to 900 a day, some­times bringing thousands in a single day. And it is overwhelm­ing our capacity to help.”

Vargas said in September of 2023, the Board of Supervisors declared it a humanitarian cri­sis in the county and led the effort to allocate $6 million to support migrants through SBC, but unfortunately the money for the temporary migrant center used all the funds and ceased operations this week.

“Until the federal govern­ment comes in and supplies additional funding, many will be impacted,” she said, adding that she sent a letter to Presi­dent Joe Biden for additional funding, needing around $1.5 million a month to operate the center.

Vargas said last year, the Board unanimously approved a bipartisan $80.1 billion budget, the largest in the county’s his­tory.

“The budget that we passed is a reflection of our commu­nity’s values and it prioritized community concerns including housing, homelessness, behav­ioral health, environmental equity, and the expansion of health and human services pro­grams,” she said. “We know that to truly thrive, we need to make sure that everyone, from every corner of San Diego, has a shot to build a better live for them­selves and their families.”

She said homelessness is still one of the county’s top priorities, securing $22 million from the governor to address encamp­ments in the county, including $5 million for the south region to address the Sweetwater riv­erbed area known as “The Jun­gle,” in collaboration with the cities of Chula Vista, National City, and Caltrans.

“In addition, with the city of Santee, the city of San Diego, and Caltrans, we invested $17 million for the San Diego Riv­erbed which stretches from Ocean Beach to Mission Valley, San Diego, Santee, and the un­incorporated areas of Lakeside and Alpine,” she said. “It is a shame that in the fourth largest economy in the world, that we continue to have fast-growing numbers of senior and veteran populations experiencing home­lessness for the first time.”

Vargas said the county has kept 382 seniors housed through its rental subsidy pro­gram, and out of the 800 veter­ans who are homeless in July 2023, 415 of them are now per­manently housed. She said that providing more mental health solutions for the homelessness is part of fixing the problem, with San Diego County being one of seven counties in being the first to implement the Care Act program to address the be­havioral health to those who have been untreated through a civil process.

Vargas said housing is a fun­damental human right and last year the board allocated $14.5 million to remove barriers to housing, bringing 151 units of affordable housing to the Chula Vista community with Linda Vista Apartments.

“These folks are going to be able to live in homes for at least 15 years,” she said. “Residents will also have services available to them through Casa Camelia. That means that more than 151 families will have a roof over their heads, and a community as well. They will also have ac­cess to resources they need to plan, and eventually, buy their own home.”

In 2023, Vargas said 750 units started construction, 500 units completed, and more than 1,000 more homes were built in San Diego County.

Vargas said working with SANDAG, they were able to extend the Youth Opportunity Pass, providing all riders un­der 18 able to transit for free, and the program has greatly exceeded ridership, surpassing 11 million riders in the county since the youth ridership pro­gram launched. She said this program has now been extended for the next two years.

“As of October 2023, the numbers speak volumes. Over 150,000 youth have embraced the PRONTO card,” she said.