Home News Helping seniors to become tech savvy

Helping seniors to become tech savvy

San Diego Oasis is looking for volunteers to bridge the gap be­tween seniors and technology as many have been forced to learn and adapt due to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially as the pandemic continues with new variants. Tech savvy individuals may show their support by training older adults on how to use their new tablet as part of its Digital Divide Program. Oasis has stepped in to help older adults with its delivery of tablets, free internet, training ses­sions and access to a variety of Oasis classes.

At no cost, San Diego Oasis provides a Samsung tablet, internet for 12 months, and training to learn how to engage with technol­ogy upon receiving their new device. A coupon is also provided for several free San Diego Oasis classes to not only offer active learning, but also engage with other local older adults. This Digital Divide Program is only available through qualifying partnerships with senior living facilities and organizations that serve older adults in need.

Eunice Gonzalez said she is grateful for Oasis providing its resi­dents tablets and detailed one-on-one instructions in a press release.

“Our residents will truly benefit from both the tablets and the classes,” said the Island Village Apartments resident service coor­dinator. “With the increase in social isolation this last year, having a means to communicate with others and learn the wonders of tech­nology will really help seniors stay connected. Our residents have only had the tablets for a few days and already the feed­back is amazing.”

San Diego Oasis member Jeraldine McCue said that be­ing “cooped up at home” during the pandemic was difficult, es­pecially since she was used to being active working as a senior companion helping other older adults.

“This tablet not only helped me keep in contact with the se­niors that I was helping, but also gave me the opportunity to take San Diego Oasis classes from home,” she stated. “I was able to take their meditation classes to learn different breathing tech­niques to heal and relax, as well as their travel classes, which helped me see so many places outside of the United States. I can’t thank San Diego Oasis enough for giving me the op­portunity to see the world from my home.”

San Diego Oasis President/ CEO Simona Valanciute said Oasis is focused on changing the perception of aging and em­powering its learners to take a “leap of faith” to gain technol­ogy skill sets.

Anyone interested in volun­teering, donating, or becoming a corporate sponsor, contact Jolyn Parker at (858) 353-0439. For more information about classes offered at San Diego Oasis, visit www.SanDiegoOasis.org.