Home News Homelessness outpaces jumps to housing

Homelessness outpaces jumps to housing

New data from the Regional Task Force on Homelessness shows that the number of people falling into homelessness continues to increase, outpacing the number of people exiting into housing across the San Deigo region. Over the last 12 months, 10 people found housing for every 16 who experienced homelessness for the first time. In the previous report in October 2022 the ratio was 10 finding housing out of every 13 experiencing first-time homelessness.

“Housing and homelessness are directly tied together, and when rental costs go up, so do the numbers of people experiencing homelessness. When we see the largest year-over-year increase in 1Q2023 rents for 1-bedroom units of 30%, we’ll continue to struggle to find affordable units to end people’s homelessness experience,” RTFH CEO Tamera Kohler said in a press release. “While this affects our ability to house more people each month, the data shows we may have hit our highwater mark of individuals beginning their homeless experience. This is a positive turn we need.”

An analysis of the most recent 12 months of data (October 2022 – September 2023) shows the following:

14,258 individuals experiencing homelessness for the first time (vs. 15,327 from October 2021 – September 2022)

8,843 individuals exited homelessness (vs. 11,861 from October 2021 – September 2022)

45,703 people served (vs. 41,345 from October 2021 – September 2022)

“These numbers are sobering but present a case for optimism,” Kohler said. “The vast majority of exits from homelessness are via rental by client, either with or without a subsidy, rather than permanent supportive housing. If we get some stability in rent prices and availability, it will help, but long-term success will only come with more homes for people of all income levels; then, we’ve got a real chance to turn things around. Every new housing unit matters.”

The RTFH is looking for community volunteers for its 2024 Point-in-Time-Count (#WeAllCaount) being held on Jan. 2024 from 4-8 a.m. For more information, visit www.rtfhsd.org/about-coc/ weallcount-pitc/.