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How to teach kids to be philanthropic

Introducing children to char­ity early in their lives can lay a foundation of philanthropy that lasts a lifetime. The more kids witness charitable giving, the more likely they are to embrace charity as they grow up.

Teaching children that it is better to give than to receive can be challenging, but it’s never too early to instill philanthropic feelings in a child. In order to help young children understand what it means to be charitable, try these ideas.

Open a dialogue

A study from the United Na­tions Foundation and the Wom­en’s Philanthropy Institute at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis found simply talking to children about giving increased the likelihood that children would give by 20 percent. Being specific makes a difference in getting the mes­sage out there. For example, rather than mentioning we have to give because it makes the world a better place, explain how donating food will help feed the less fortunate who cannot afford to feed themselves.

Lead by example

Call the children over when you are doing something that pertains to philanthropy. Show them checks being written to help various nonprofits, or in­clude them in outings that in­volve volunteer work.

Look for easy ways to give

Charity doesn’t require a large amount of money or substantial effort, and starting with some­thing simple can make for a great introduction to charity. Be­gin with small projects kids can embrace and understand. Spend time going through clothes that no longer fit and make a trip to a charitable clothing drive or col­lection bin.

Bring your child to a clothing store or toy store and pick out an item that can be donated to a less fortunate child. This way he or she can participate first­hand.

Help out neighbors

Being charitable doesn’t have to mean spending tons of money or even putting together materi­al things. It can involve donating time to others who may need as­sistance. Service-oriented proj­ects, such as raking leaves, bak­ing cookies or taking in elderly neighbors’ garbage pails, are all types of charity. Children can become friendly and play with other children who may have a parent serving in the military or support someone who has spe­cial needs.

Get involved with pets

Animals and children seem a perfect match, and one chari­table effort kids may embrace is helping animals. Bring food or pet supplies to a shelter or the local humane society. Allow children to interact with the animals they are helping.

There are many ways to ac­climate children to charitable living, and doing so may lay the foundation for a rewarding life.