Home News Hunter protestors return to courthouse By Rebecca Jefferis Williamson

Hunter protestors return to courthouse By Rebecca Jefferis Williamson

Protestor Judy Harrington

The indictment and antici­pated trial of a congressman— the son of a beloved congress­man who held the same seat for decades before watching his prodigy take his place in the House of Representatives— draws a variety of onlookers.

When Congressman Duncan Hunter Jr. and his wife Marga­ret were arraigned two weeks ago on federal charges of cam­paign fraud they were greeted at the downtown San Diego courthouse by a throng of me­dia and dozens of protestors, some of whom yelled “Shame!” and “Lock Him Up!” as Duncan Hunter made his way inside the building.

On Tuesday a large group of reporters were there again, as was a gathering of protestors, some who said they were there because of their concern with corruption in politics, others be­cause of their disenchantment with their elected representa­tive.

“I would protest against any­one, Democrat or Republican, who has done this,” said Debo­rah Fleming outside the court­ house. The semi-retired woman vol­unteers on Amma Campar Naj­jar’s campaign to unseat Hunter in November. She said Hunter is interested only in serving his own needs.

“He’s supposed to be my repre­sentative, but he doesn’t repre­sent me. I live in Escondido. He is not representing anyone but himself. His record speaks for itself,” Flem­ing said.

Carolynn Mueller-Crooks, who was also at the Tuesday court appear­ance said she believes the allegations against Hunt­er are indica­tive of a larg­er problem.

“I’m a very concerned citizen and I regard Duncan D. Hunter as a symptom of the larger problem where we elect shady characters that do not operate within the laws of the United States,” Mueller-Crooks, who does not live in Hunter’s district, said.

A number of protestors said they were participating in a protest of Hunter as part of the Indivisible Movement, a grass­roots effort to defeat President’ Trump’s agenda and support progressive candidates.