Home Opinion Jacob’s footprints are left behind

Jacob’s footprints are left behind

Dianne Jacob has meant a lot for Alpine. Here’s my recollec­tion of a few but key ways.

Stood with us to deny a gar­ish, giant Las Vegas-style casi­no by an out-of-state gambling syndicate representing a non- Alpine Tribe.

In the aftermath of the disas­trous Cedar Fire, Dianne was in Alpine 10-times over the subse­quent two weeks meeting with distraught owners of burned-out homes; establishing a no-fee process in Alpine with staff to assist in recovery and rebuild­ing.

She forced mitigation from the Sunrise Powerlink built under-ground along Alpine Bou­levard. That included a rebuild­ing of the Boulevard including re-paving, curbing, sidewalks and storm-water control. Can you imagine the Boulevard with none of that? Just a dirt right-of-way and almost no parking.

She arranged for all the over­head electrical power, telephone, and cable lines to be placed un­derground and for decades old wooden poles and a jumble of unsightly wires to be removed.

She approved the upgrading of a Sheriffs sub-station from the back of the Alpine Creek Town Center to a full Sheriff’s Station in a new building on the Boulevard; better staffed for im­proved crime prevention.

She ‘built’ the Alpine Library.

She was the driving finan­cial force behind conserving Wright’s Field for the public’s use; when its then owner was pursuing a major golf course community and town sewage treatment plant.

She was a major source of approving developer fee fund­ing behind the playing fields at Joan MacQueen, the kiddie pocket park by Boulder Oaks, and the first improved playing field at Alpine Elementary in 57 years. She funded the refur­bishing of Otto Baseball Field at the community center. And she has been working to provide funding for a multi-use artifi­cial turf regulation sports field at Joan MacQueen. Her crown­ing achievement for our youth is in making the 20-year dream of an Alpine family community park come true. Land has been bought, designs nearly complet­ed, with construction to begin later in the year for a 25-acre park.

Dianne has been a booster for every non-profit philanthropic organization in town. Attending fund-raising events. Promoting charity and philanthropy. Here she is wearing a Viking helmet at Joan MacQueen operating a trebuchet during an Alpine Education Foundation Punkin’ Chunkin’ event.

There’s more; much more. By my estimation, Dianne has di­rected the return to Alpine of nearly $60,000,000 plus in tax-payer money across the 20 years I have known and supported her.

Dianne Jacob has left im­mense “Foot Prints in the Sand” as she has crossed our lives in this modest un-incorporated town.

God Speed, Dianne Jacob, into retirement from three decades of unmatched public service!

George Barnett, Alpine