Home News Job fair to link hundreds of recruiters with career-minded

Job fair to link hundreds of recruiters with career-minded

Grossmont College is holding its 45th annual Career Expo and Job Fair on Nov. 2 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the college’s Main Quad. The career fair has more than 100 to-tiered employers, more than 500 participants, and more than 200 recruiters. In a carnival-themed setting, the event also provides games, music, and refreshments. Professional college photographers will be on hand to create professional portraits.

A select group of employers will conduct immediate interviews. Prominent employers at the event include the Cajon Valley Union District, California Highway Border Patrol Communications, the Hyatt Regency La Jolla, and the YMCA of San Diego County. For a full list of employers, visit https:// bit.ly/3rSPIbU. Click “All employers” tab to view registered companies.

This event is free to the public and translations will be provided in 10 languages. To register: Grossmont College Students https://bit.ly/3rSPIbU. Members of the public can register at https://bit.ly/3ZZTtZL.
