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Love and marriage

Faith and Erik had been up all night with a sick baby. Erik was already late for work as Faith asked him to change the baby’s diaper.

“Faith! I’m already fifteen minutes late for work. I can’t do this anymore!” shouted Er­ik as he ripped open the pack­age of Huggies.

“Yes you can and by the way you have to, you made a com­mitment!” reminded Faith. “Oh, and by the way, can you pick up the baby’s prescrip­tion on your way home?” added Erik’s wife.

“No, I have plans to meet the boys after work for a beer, why don’t you do it” snarled Erik.

“I’m already taking care of your house, washing your clothes and cooking your din­ner!” retorted Faith.

“Well, maybe I won’t even come home tonight!” Erik shouted in a threatening voice that made Faith run into the bedroom in tears as a vision of sleeping on the couch ap­peared in his mind.

Marriage can be defined in a word, commitment. Howev­er, words can have more than one meaning. Commitment is demonstrated as a promise, a heartfelt pledge or solemn vow. It is an obligation, the as­surance that Faith and Erik promise to be there for each other when life’s barometer begins to dip as the weather starts to change. Commit­ment means dedication, a sign of loyalty to each other and a legal binding act before Al­mighty God and man.

Marriage is sacred; it is a long and winding road that leads us to faith’s final veiled threshold. It is a road that is not meant to be traveled hast­ily but rather safely, with seatbelts clicked in and in steady fashion. Marriage can be like a breathtaking Sunday drive through green alpine meadows, a stunning blustery jaunt along a coastal highway or a long summer’s road trip through a mountain pass.

The road can be a bit dusty at times, sprinkled with an occasional pothole, bump, or even a blind corner. There are moments when we can be­come lost in unfamiliar terri­tory and have to pull over for directions. There are pitfalls to avoid in marriage but when love, kindness and mercy are applied to the doorposts of our heart we will arrive safely at our final destination.

In addition to having an ac­curate road map there also has to be planned mainte­nance. Planning date nights, impromptu vacations and surprise anniversaries are to a marriage like scheduled oil changes, the tightening of a squeaky fan belt or replac­ing windshield wipers are to keeping a car running in safe fashion.

The trick to a success­ful marriage is to find joy in the journey. It might come in an unplanned stop as you pull off the road to take in a beautiful, scenic vista. Maybe winter rains force you to find higher ground, hand in hand with hearts racing you run to escape an oncoming flash flood. Joy might come as an unexpected spring snow storm makes the road impass­able. Exiting your car you are treated to an exhilarating, un­familiar landscape as a hastily formed and thrown snowball hits you in the back of your head.

No, our journey together is the destination. Each day brings new opportunities to show our love to one another. Just as God’s mercies are new every morning, we too we get a clean slate, a fresh start to love one another taking the time to ask for forgiveness, write a quick note or to realize we don’t always have to be right.

Love is a gift to be shared and can never be horded. It’s the ultimate act of selfless­ness. It is putting the needs of your spouse first and saying that you are wrong when you know that you are right. It is agreeing with your mate that it is black when in fact your eyes see white. It is going the extra mile and then walking another after that! It is a gen­tle hug, a salty warm tear or a passionate embrace.

Two are better than one, for if one falls, one will lift up his friend. Sad for him who is alone when he falls, because he has no one to help him up? Two can stay warm when they lie down together. Although one may be overpowered by an­other, two can withstand him. A rope of three strands is not quickly broken.

“Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.”