The older I get the more the world begins to come into focus. It is as if my reflection in the mirror becomes much clearer. The man that I have become begins to be laid bare as my youthful exuberant façade begins to deteriorate. Lately, I find myself taking steps back when confronted with situations that try my patients.
Wisdom’s glory has settled in upon me covering my head with a silver crown. As my steps continue to slow down and my activities wane as I struggle to minister to my family and friends. My dad even turns 92 this year as the New Year accelerates towards a grand entrance.
Our sleepy mountain town of Alpine continues to change as new shops appear up and down the boulevard. Rumors stir about all the street improvements designed by SDG&E, as a result of their pole replacement programs, will continue on into the next millennium along with their weekly power outages.
Our communities Christmas spirit is on display as more and more businesses put up lights on Alpine’s quaint boulevards and streets. Even the weather has been cooperating bringing in rain and snow for our winter enjoyment. Perhaps our local retail stores will show their Christmas spirit by lowering their prices to our community; we will all have to wait to see where the Grinch resides this December?
Christmas is a wonderful time chock full of color, light and pageantry; a cornucopia of fanfare and putting on the Ritz. We love this season because it celebrates the Messiah’s birth. Every Christmas tree, every string of light, every present has double meaning for all Christians.
Fresh cut evergreen trees waft clean outdoor fragrances as they take a place of honor in our living rooms. They remind us of creation and the beauty with which God used in designing beautiful things.
The brilliance of Christmas lights dazzles both the young and old. They come in all sorts of color, size and string arrangements. These illuminations remind us of the Great Light that has come into the world; Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Through God’s own Son’s example we see clearly how love covers a multitude of sin by exposing the darkness.
Directly under the tree, resting on a colorful red skirt of quilted fabric, we watch in anticipation as skillfully wrapped presents slowly begin to appear. These presents remind us of the gift that God gave to the world in His one and only Son.
The Emmanuel Child, a gift from God in the person of His own Son. Through the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit and the willingness of the Virgin Mary the Messiah, King of glory and Mighty God was born on earth.
“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. and His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever.” Isaiah 9:6,7
So keep putting up those trees and covering them with lights, snow and tinsel as December 25th fast approaches. Let us all draw near with soft hearts and a clean conscious as the hope of salvation draws all men to Messiah. He is our Creator, He is our Great Light and He is our Gift of Salvation eliminating any opportunity for man to boast in his own works.
So take a long look in the mirror. Who is it that you see in the reflection? Is it a man or woman who has allowed God to soften their hearts? Do we see the reason for this festive season and that there is work to be done in our own hearts as well as the world that is so intimately surrounding us?
Opportunities await all people who have surrendered their will in favor of God’s and are continuing to allow God’s Spirit to guide them to divine appointments. Perhaps we can buy a homeless man or woman some fast food. Perhaps do something for our church, neighborhood or even a random stranger.
Do not hide your light under a basket but instead let the true reflection of this Christmas season shine unto all men. The accuracy of the date of the birth of Jesus is not as important as the reason we celebrate it. Christmas is a time when we give, give and then give some more. At the epicenter of this season there is a well eternal overflowing with Living Water that is available to all men and women just for the asking. Come and drink of from the well; all that thirsts. Merry Christmas Alpine!