Home Political Perricone looking for another term on AUSD school board

Perricone looking for another term on AUSD school board

Joseph Perricone

Alpine Union School District has two open seats, and Trust­ee Joesph Perricone is looking for reelection, running against incumbent Trustee Travis Ly­on, Erika Simmons, and Cee Gould. Perricone has served on the board since 2012. Perricone said he respects everyone who runs for office, including his op­ponents. Perricone said it is a community service to run for office, and his job is to protect the students and the taxpayers, and he is now running for his third term.

“If it were not for a few things coming up, like the Measure U bond that we initiated, I prob­ably would not have run again,” he said.

Measure U is a $6.3 million bond to make critical renova­tions and improvements to schools and classrooms through­out the Alpine Union School District, to be paid off in six years, and is supported by the San Diego County Taxpayer’s Association.

“Because we have some ex­tremely important business that we have to finish, I am run­ning again to make sure that it gets done,” he said. “It is very important to me that we look our for the financial health of our district.”

Perricone said the COVID pandemic changed the whole complexion of the district.

“Some for the better. Some for the worst. People found out they had choices. When the govern­ment told them you could not do this or that, the students need to be educated. So, they went to other sources, and I do not blame the parents. I am a par­ent. I understand that. But that creates different challenges for school districts now. Especially when you combine the funding formula that Gov. Jerry Brown put in. It kind of penalizes dis­tricts that do not have many English as a second language. It is the way it was set up. In our district, we got penalized for it. You must make the most of the dollars you have in front of you. You must make sure teachers are well paid. Your schools are upkept. Proper maintenance is done. All that rolls into what the board approves for the bud­get. It is extremely important considering our state is $67 bil­lion in the red right now. All the governor did was to cut, cut, cut. And guess what he cut the first, the kids of course. That re­ally hurt us in 2012, and why I ran for the board. I saw we were laying off teachers, school ser­vices were going down, and all the government could say was ‘hope it gets better next year.’ We knew it was not going to get any better.” he said.

Perricone said when he first took office, the first thing he had to deal with was a strike.

“It was horrific. Nobody wants to see a strike. The board that is currently configured, we are all in agreement that public edu­cation needs to be funded. To do that, you must be judicious with money. Look at San Diego Unified. No matter how much money they get, they are always in a deficit. It is my opinion, and belief, that you can not go through life that way. Our dis­trict is different. We hold the line on our expenses. We have done maintenance. We gave the teachers and employees this year the biggest raise to try and get them above the infla­tion. You cannot do that if you do not have money in the bank to do it,” he said.

Perricone said the unions would like to take control of the budget and give the district a two percent reserve, which he called “ludicrous,” because at three percent the county takes over.

“But that is the union’s posi­tion because they believe the taxpayer’s money is theirs. And I get that position. Union rep­resentatives are going to do as much as they can do to get what they can for their membership, and I do not blame them for that. However, the buck stops at my desk. That is my insight on finances. You must control your budget. You cannot be like the state because it goes way out of line and the taxpayers pay the bill. That is way out of line,” he said.

Perricone said this is a “sa­cred trust” that Alpine residents have given to him, so he refuses to spend taxpayer’s money un­wisely, and he has had three terms to look at it.

“The government gets a lot of money and then spend it like crazy,” he said. “In the mean­time, the only people that pay the price are the children and the schools. That is the first thing they cut every time. Pub­lic schools must change with the times. They cannot stay static. Our superintendent un­derstands that and that is why he is still employed by us. He understands the political and financial reality of California. So, we live within that frame­work. And we are doing quite well even though funding is get­ting cut because of that forward thinking that we have. It is good for everyone when the board is fiscally responsible. It is good for the teachers because they get raises, they normally would not get. It is good for the kids because they get the supplies. Teachers are happy teaching because they are getting good wages. It is a vicious cycle if you do not watch yourself. That is why I want to run again. To fin­ish what I have started.”

Perricone said when he came into office, the district was broke, so broke that the coun­ty was going to take over the school district.

“I did not take this job be­cause it was easy,” he said. “I took this job because I thought I could help. It is important to me that all the work we have done, I want to see it completed. The kids deserve that.”

Perricone said the bond mea­sure is as good as it could be, or the Taxpayer’s Association would not support it because its job is to protect the taxpayer.

“It is not a 30-year bond where your kids are going to be paying for it. It is a short-term bond to upgrade the things that we can­not do on a restricted budget,” he said. “The teachers cannot teach when it is 90 degrees. The kids cannot learn when they are miserable. Our thrust is strictly for maintenance to bring things up to snuff, pay it back quickly, and move on. I would never vote on a bond going on the ballot if it were not that way. All of us in Alpine remember the bait and switch the Grossmont Union High School District, and we were promised a high school. We got the taxes, but no high school. When we went to court and sued them, the judge said they had the right to change the bond language after the bond measure was passed. Does that sound okay to you?”

Perricone said they have looked at several bond issues over the years, and none of them “passed muster.” He said this bond is good for the taxpay­ers and the students and hopes that the voters of Alpine will agree.

“This bond is just what it says. We are going to make school improvements that you can see and touch, and that is it. It is not going to anything else but to improve the conditions of our schools,” he said. “We are not playing funny money here. We are not playing bait and switch. This is what we are go­ing to do, and it is all that we are going to do.”

Perricone said he wishes ev­erybody luck in the election.

“I do not hold anything against anybody. If your fellow citizen puts their name down to run for office, respect that. I do,” he said.


  1. Louis Russo
    As we approach another election cycle it's important to know who and what we are voting for. With that in mind, I ask that you consider carefully your choices for Alpine Union School Board. There's an old saying that "All politics is local". The saying means that the concerns and issues of everyday life are most important. What could be more important than the education of our children? Joe has been on the board since 2012. Before I list some of the reasons Joe should not be re-elected, I want to note that while Travis Lyon has received the County Republican Party endorsement, along with Erika Simmons (who also has Joel Anderson's endorsement), Joe has not, though he asked for it. That, to me, is a red flag. When a long time incumbent asks for but does not receive the Party endorsement (nor Joel's endorsement), an endorsement he has had before, there is something wrong. Many of you will consider that alone a reason to NOT vote for Joe. There are, however, additional reasons to reconsider re-electing this incumbent. In 2012, when Joe was first elected, AUSD enrollment stood at 1863, on its way to its all time high of 2095 the next year. It now sits at 1523. It consisted of three elementary schools and one middle school. Joe says the fall in enrollment of over 500 students is due to "demographics", but that is not true. Since he came onto the board, parents have voted with their feet, taking their children to higher performing districts as well as charter and private schools. The enrollment drop has forced the closure of one of the elementary schools. A telling statistic that verifies the above is that in 2012 when Joe came aboard, 63% of AUSD students were performing at grade level on standardized tests. It now sits at 40%, a 23% drop. This is with a budget of about $24 million, which works out to $15,568 per student. Included in this is over $1.6 million interest on debt or about $1,060 interest on debt per student per year. We are not getting what we are paying for. In addition to the above, there have been several incidents during their tenure that have tainted Alpine Union School District and Joe. Here is a link to a video of a young boy complaining about being bullied, a historical problem, while at Alpine Union: https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/young-alpine-boy-fights-back-to-bullying-on-social-media/17008/ That video led to an investigation by the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights, which found that "After careful review of the information gathered in this investigation, OCR concluded that the District violated Title VI with regard to the issue OCR investigated." In other words, the district was found guilty of racial discrimination. Here is the full finding: https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/investigations/more/09171537-a.pdf The boy's father was never contacted as directed in the finding, no remediation was taken for his son, and he removed him from the district. Although he took no legal action against the district, others have, costing us legal fees and compensation. No one should have something like this on their resume, yet Joe does. Another black eye for Joe came with California Highway Patrol's inspection of the school transportation system. Alpine Union was inspected twice with failing grades each time. In fact, only a single bus passed inspection. Additionally, there were numerous other violations from unlicensed bus drivers to nepotism. Prior to being inspected a third time, which would have been a failure and caused the Highway Patrol to shut down Alpine's transportation, a deal with struck with Grossmont Union High School District to take over the district's transportation. When it did, only a single new bus was transferred to Grossmont, the rest were scrapped. Alpine children were riding on busses that were scrapped rather than being repaired. Finally, and probably the ultimate in nepotism, Joe's wife, who was a secretary in the district, received a promotion she did not qualify for. When it was discovered, Joe used over $17,000 of district money to pay for legal fees to extricate himself and her from the situation. In the end she reverted to her old position and the district lost another secretary who had had enough. Joe may be your friend and you may feel he have served well, but you should know that he haven't. The above shows that.