Home News Sheriff’s department investigating sex-related incident on school campus

Sheriff’s department investigating sex-related incident on school campus

The San Diego Sheriff’s De­partment is actively investi­gating reports of “sexual mis­conduct” amongst students at a local elementary school, the agency recently posted.

According to authorities, Shadow Hills Elementary School principal Pete Selleck contacted the department on Feb. 22 to report the alleged incident. They did not provide details about what allegedly oc­curred but did write that the District Attorney’s office would be responsible for any decisions related to criminal charges in the matter.

However, in what appears to be a letter from Alpine Union School District Superintendent Richard Newman to parents and posted on social media, the district leader said “I can con­firm that we received a report of students involved in incidents of a sexual nature in the rest­room on campus and during the school day. We are in touch with the families involved. I can con­firm that the alleged perpetra­tor is not on campus.”

“I realize that parents have many questions, including wanting to know students’ names and potential discipline, but I am legally prohibited from releasing these details due to strict laws that protect minors’ privacy rights,” Newman added. “The fact that I may not release these details should not be in­terpreted as us hiding from the facts and not taking urgent ac­tion and appropriate action. I assure you that we have our full attention on this situation, and our ultimate action will be based on facts, the law, and our commitment to student well-be­ing and safety. We are working closely with the Major Crimes division to ensure a thorough process.”

The superintendent report­edly hosted a meeting Feb. 28 to address the incident with dis­trict staff and had scheduled a community meeting for Tuesday at the Shadow Hills auditorium.

In the letter, Newman said the district was taking the fol­lowing actions:

Restroom Use – Effective immediately and on all school campuses, we will allow only one student in the restroom at a time, and there will be campus supervision outside all student restrooms.

Mental Health Support – So­cial workers and school coun­selor will be readily available to any student who needs support. Please know that they are there for your children should they need someone to speak to. Additionally, they are a re­source for our families.

Student Sup­port – In age-appropriate mes­sages, we will be reminding all students that if they ever see or hear something worrisome or concerning, they should speak with a trusted adult.

Ongoing Prevention – With age-appropriate techniques, students will learn about per­sonal space and respecting boundaries.

Ongoing Staff Training – The district will provide continued education to school personnel about child sexual abuse and trafficking.

Parent Support – The district is working on providing addi­tional support for our families.