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Thought for the Week: A grateful heart

As we exhibit heartfelt grat­itude our lives are blessed with grace. And what a joy it is to live under the grace of God. This divine energy that gives us the gift of life is always conspiring for our highest good.

When I was 9 one of my classmates was struck by a car and died. I remember walking to school with Eva Hernandez and she asked me if I wasn’t afraid to die. I said, “No I’m not afraid, because I know that whatever that’s like, God will take care of me.” It’s taken me several years in my adulthood to realize and know that no matter where I am – at all times, yes even now, – God is al­ways taking care of me.

As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, open your heart and awareness to celebrate and give thanks for all the blessings Life has given you – even the ones that at first blush seem more like a trial than a blessing. Somewhere in the midst of it, as you walk through that trial, you will come out better for it on the other side. It is said, “A sage always confronts difficulties; he never experiences them.” Know that you are wiser, more loving and filled to overflowing with the life of God.

Say with me: “I am ever so grateful to know that my life is the life of God now and always. I expect greatness to flow through me this day in every way. I am eager to be used and available for Spirit to do Its mighty works through me. I live the life I love and I grow in my love for life. And it is so.”