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Thought for the week: Be a miracle worker

A Course in Miracles is just that – a course in miracles. It is a self-study system of spiritual awakening that teaches the way to inner peace through the pow­er of love and forgiveness. Our innate nature is God-like, there­fore we are here to express and allow this inner power of uncon­ditional love to perform miracles through our lives.

Being given the choice of free will, we are always at choice to either choose love or fear in any circumstance. Fear raises its ugly head when we forget our true identity of innate beauty, strength and innocence. Mira­cles are the natural outcome of choosing love.

Being a miracle worker asks you to deliver your unique gifts as you walk through everyday life. When you act from love that energy reaches farther than you can ever imagine. Giv­ing one simple act of kindness, generosity, showing patience and the like with another generates a rippling effect that many times is unknown to the giver. However, when you give you also receive. Miracles give more love both to the giver and the receiver.

Remember always to give credit where credit is due. Your ego, your personality is not the source of miracles. God is. Jesus said, “It is not I, but the Father within that does the work.” ACIM states: “Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense ev­erything that comes from love is a miracle.”

Say with me: “I consciously and deliberately choose only love this day. As I do, I am keenly aware and observant to the signals love shows me as to where and how I can share this beautiful indwelling loving presence. I am grateful to be a miracle worker. And it is so.”