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Thought for the Week: Classroom of experience

As we enter into September, we traditionally think of school starting again. Therefore, I’ve chosen “Higher Education” as my Theme for this month. At the entry of a new grade one of the first criteria is to access where the student is in the retention of their previous studies. The teacher will typically do a review of previous materials to be sure the groundwork is well established before proceeding onto higher knowledge and concepts.

Many students (I was one of them) can’t wait to graduate from formal schooling and be free of class work and assignments. But the hard truth is that even though we may graduate out of academia, the classroom of Life has no end. In fact, if we are astute, we discover that each and every experience in Life can shed knowledge and a deeper understanding for us to move onward and upward. However, if we aren’t paying attention, the same lessons will repeat themselves to us in experience after experience until we finally grasp the underlying belief we’ve held to draw those lessons to us.

The “Classroom of Experience” cannot be avoided by any of us. So, it might as well behoove us to get with the program and pay attention. We draw the experiences of life to us by the consciousness we have developed. This includes the thoughts we think, their associated feelings, our expectations or lack thereof, and our overall perspective of what our true nature really is.

Now is the time to review the basics so we can move on to a higher education. What are those basics? There is one Power and Presence many times called God that is all. It is whole, complete and perfect. It is unconditional Love. This Wholeness and Love is everywhere present and therefore so are we. Let us move up from living in a small egoic self to our true Higher Self.

Say with me: “I am ready to learn the lessons that Life brings me so I may move to a higher awareness and experience of my pure being.”

—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living