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Thought for the week: Consciousness creates

Consciousness creates the world in which we live. Our consciousness – meaning our awareness, our perceptions, our thoughts, feelings and beliefs create our experiences. Psalms 1 has a great prosperity les­son telling us in essence that blessed is the man who does not listen to the wicked, or those who pour out disdain or con­tempt, but who delights in the law of the Lord and meditates on that law day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields fruit in its sea­son and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. Even in apparent set backs or “failures” the opportunity for growth abounds, if we are seated in spiritual poise. Missing the mark is one of the ways we learn to hit the target.

Throughout the Bible we are reminded of this eternal truth: “It came to pass” – meaning it didn’t come to stay! Look at your challenges as “projects” so that you bring your best energy and expectations to their successful completion. The Truth is, we do not grow old; when we stop growing we are old.

Say with me: “I delight in the law of the Lord which is an eternal spring of renewing and enlivening energy. All that is attracted to me prospers me in some way when I stay poised in spiritual awareness. For know­ing and accepting that God’s grace flows through and to me I am so very grateful. And it is so.!