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Thought for the Week: Extend only love

As we progress this month with the theme of Spiritual Maturity, we come to the realization that our only purpose is to extend only love. For in truth, love is what we are. Shakespeare said it best when he wrote: “To thine own self be true.” We can only be true to our self when we realize and rec­ognize that we are love, and only love, in action. Once we accept this truth at the depth of our being life moves from fear to faith. For now, we have the faith not in, but as God. For God is Love and we have accepted our true birthright as sons and daughters and heirs to the Kingdom.

Only after we have softened the egoic judgments toward our self are we then available to extend that Love out to all. And I do mean all. For Love is all inclusive. In perfect Love there is no posses­siveness, there is no jealousy and certainly no fear. Love is simply allowing and letting. There is a strength and power in Love that is immeasurable.

The mind might be tempted to be pulled, tugged and tossed about by the world of form such as the dollars in a bank account, houses, cars, people, friends, pets, plants and more. But those are the fleeting things of life and not its substance. The mind is stead­ied and at peace when it dwells and accepts the “content” and not the form of life. The content of life is simply that of Love.

As we move up the ladder of spiritual maturity, we constantly are letting go of the old, of the past and only know and accept that right where we are, all is well. We are always in our right and perfect place. How we do know that? Be­cause that’s where we are! And in that right and perfect place the only question to ask ourselves is “How can I extend Love here and now?”

Say with me: “I am pure per­fect, whole and holy Love in ex­pression. I only look for ways to extend that Love out to all. And it is so.”

— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living.