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Thought for the Week: Flying over

As we wrap up our theme for the month, “Bringing in the Harvest”, I am reminded of the bounty of God’s grace ever before us. Everywhere we look in nature we see abundance over flowing. Everything that God has made has been done with plenty and more than enough. The omnipresence of the Infinite knows nothing of lack or limitation.

As we draw close to this Presence and allow to be fed by Its living waters, we find God’s grace is our all sufficiency. God is the source of everything we have need of. But it takes bringing our conscious connection to this God Presence within, in order to reap Its rewards. It takes bringing our priorities in alignment with what is real and true.

Jesus the Christ told us, “It is done unto you as you believe.” Do you believe in scarcity or sufficiency? Do you believe with God all things are possible? There really are no limitations to what God can do for and through us.

This coming week place your priorities on your Source. Commune with the One, listening to the whispers of the still small voice within you. Be willing to step outside your comfort zone to accept the overflowing abundance of ideas that can come flooding through your mind and heart. Be willing then to take action to distribute the many gifts of divine substance in which you live, move and have your being.

Say with me: “I now willingly and joyfully, with great expectation open my mind and heart to receive the abundance of God’s grace flooding through my life this very moment. There is more than enough to do, have and be all that I desire. Life is full to overflowing with goodness and Love. For this I am ever so grateful.”

—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living