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Thought for the Week: Free to explore

As we wrap up the theme for the month of July with “Free to…”, this week we are highlight­ing Free to Explore. Obviously, our explorations at this point in time don’t involve a lot of travel. No, what we are free to explore is the landscape of our consciousness – that is really ev­erything about us that makes us what we are.

One of my favorite congre­gant’s was Jean Tharp who lived life to its fullest until her transi­tion at 97. She may have been well into her nineties, but her heart and mind were as fertile as a three-year-old. “Curious” would be one of the best words to describe her. She was always asking questions and generally interested in the people and events around her. And speak­ing of consciousness – hers was deep and beautiful.

I bring Jean up as an example of what it means to “explore” as we travel through this thing called life. If you’ve ever been around the two or three-year-old, you know one of their repetitive words is “why”? The interest and curiosity they generate in trying to understand their sur­roundings could be a lesson well learned by us grownups.

That’s the type of exploring I’m talking about. We are free to explore the “whys” of our life no matter the number of candles on our birthday cake. Now hear me, I’m not talking about the whiney victim cry of “why is this happening to me – again?” I believe Life reflects back to us what we put into it; like the old saying “garbage in, garbage out.”

Allow yourself to be open-minded and curious. Free your­self from assumptions and be willing to see from a new per­spective. If you’re going to ex­plore new territory, you have to leave your current point of resi­dence.

Say with me: “Today I am cu­rious and willing to entertain new ideas and vantage points. I trust Life to bring me exactly what I need. Let the explora­tions begin! I am ready, willing and able. And it is so.”

— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living