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Thought for the Week: Free to release

Life presents us with many opportunities – sometimes more than we feel able to handle. But as we discussed last week, we are all free to choose our thoughts and responses to life’s changes. To manage these changes in supportive ways takes awareness that there is a Power within and around us we can call on and belief that as we unite with this Power we are more than enough to handle any outside situation. I believe this Power (God/Love/ Spirit) that is within and around us wants us to have our wholesome needs fulfilled. God wants us to live a rich and fulfilling life, free from limitations. But that doesn’t mean it will be free from challenges. Time and again we are tested to bring forth more of our unlimited gifts and talents so they might be honed for ours and others’ betterment.

Life is lived one moment at a time. We can bring with us to the present moment things we’ve learned from the past and that of course is very useful. But bringing past limited conditioning beliefs is not helpful. Much of the time we don’t even realize we’re doing this! It’s a subconscious, knee jerk type of response embedded in our psyche. When we feel this happening, it’s best to initially be aware of it and just allow the feeling to be. We don’t have to label it, we don’t have to judge it. Just feel it. There’s an energy there that wants to be released. As we release it, we are set free.

There’s a saying many of us have used for years, “Let go and let God.” At any given moment we are free to release consternation, so we are available to let Love fill us with Its soothing balm. If you try it enough times, it can actually become your default mode. How great would that be?

Say with me: “I choose to release thoughts of worry and concern. In fact, I release any and all things that no longer serve my life. I know right where I am God/Love is, and all is well. What a blessing! And it is so.”

—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living