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Thought for the Week: Get real

There is a living, loving pres­ence within and around each of us. It is whole, holy and com­plete in nature. This Love ex­presses Itself individually and uniquely through each and ev­ery one of us. We are always at choice as to quality and quality of this true Real Self we demon­strate and express out into the world.

Our ego is that sometimes persistent voice that tells us we are either not enough or self ab­sorbed. Either end of this spec­trum places us in a self imposed prison. Limitation and restric­tion is not our true nature. It is only when we step aside and surrender to Love’s calling do we find true freedom. Going within daily with practice and patience, we are lifted up out of the ego sense and into Reality.

Taking the time and making the commitment to be fed from within is a discipline that leads to “blissapline”. Practice with diligence your awareness of viewing God’s Love in action in every aspect of your life. Know that you can never be separated from this Love. Feel the joy of freedom to express your High­est Self each and every day.

Say with me: “I am dedi­cated to disciplining myself to go within daily to be fed from the spiritual waters that flow through me at all times. I am renewed, refreshed and regener­ated every moment I conscious­ly unite with Love. Thank you God for this gift of Life. Let me live It to the fullest. And it is so.”

— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Al­pine Church of Spiritual Living