Home Columns Thought for the Week: I’ll be there for you

Thought for the Week: I’ll be there for you

With all that’s going on in the world and in our backyard, now is the time to set our priori­ties straight to be proactive in recognizing Life is all about connection between our innermost od and all sentient beings. Thus the theme for this month is “Conscious Connection” and this week’s lesson is entitled “I’ll Be There for You”.

An e-mail was being forwarded this week show­ing real life stories of people helping people and animals – a picture of a toddler wiping a tear from a man’s face on the T.V. screen; two men saving a drowning lamb; a man giving free haircuts to homeless people, etc.

There is a divine spiritual cord that runs through and binds all living things. Some, how­ever, nay I say many, are oblivious to It. It is of great value to become consciously aware of the Source and Power within and around all for as we choose to unite with It, It responds and blesses us with Its loving grace. Turning within and foster­ing our relationship with the divine will always lead us to greener pastures.

These are troubling times, no doubt about it. Fear and anger are running rampant through ev­ery level of society. Each of us is at choice to be part of the problem or part of the solution. Un­conditional love and a willingness for true under­standing, compassion and empathy is the healing, soothing balm we must apply now in generous portions to heal our wounds.

Look around and see with eyes of possibilities as to what you can do to be that healing balm for an­other. Recognize, as the master teacher so dem­onstrated, it is the father within that is doing the works. Set your wounded ego aside and go deeper into the truth of your being. As you do this, pride, fear and separation vanish back into the nothing­ness from which they came.

Say with me: “I know there is a power within and around that is there for me at all times. I now choose to consciously unite with this uncondi­tional Love and in return joyously demonstrate Its works through my thoughts, words and deeds. For this I am eternally grateful. And it is so.”

— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiri­tual Living.