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Thought for the Week: Imagine and believe

As we apply the techniques and tools that we’ve been studying in the material written by Roy Eugene Davis, The Spiritual Basis of Real Prosperity, I trust your prosperous New Year is proceeding with ease and grace. In this final week we want to again go back to the first and most important premise to which we must be fully entrenched and that is our acceptance that we are spiritual beings having all the attributes of the Divine within us. Therefore, we are never separated from our good except through our questioning thoughts and expectations. Knowing this, we must be diligent in keeping our awareness on the wholeness in which we live, move and have our being.

Now is the time to utilize your imagination and faith to picture your desired outcomes which are pure and selfless. Do this by becoming still, meditate until thoughts and emotions are settled. Acknowledge there is a Cosmic Mind individualized as your mind. Now picture the ideal circumstances you desire. Imagine how you will feel when you experience this. Now when ideas spontaneously come, write them down in a journal. Avoid thoughts of unpleasant past situations that pull you down. Instead, focus on accepting that the good you desire is here right now!

It takes practice doing these things. Remember practice is progress. Be open to accepting that nothing is impossible to you when you clearly imagine and believe the Universe is here to support you in every way. Picture, use your imagination, to envision an outcome that may be even better than what you can initially conceive. Then act with confidence taking the steps to which you are guided.

Say with me: “I now accept that the possibilities which I can clearly envision and firmly believe to be true, can and will occur for me in divine order and timing. For this I am ever so grateful. And it is so.”

—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living