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Thought for the Week: Love thy neighbor

The Master Teacher, Jesus the Christ, when asked what was the greatest commandment re­plied: “Thou shalt love the lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two command­ments hang all the law and the prophets.”

Joel Goldsmith in his book, Practicing the Presence, takes these teachings to a deep level of honor and understanding. If we love God, we love all, for God is the only power and presence. That means we love the God presence that dwells inside our very hearts, mind and soul. And yet the mas­ter teacher instructed us to love our neighbor as ourself. In truth there is only one Self – one holy Self which is expressed and experienced as each individual living on this earth. We are inseparable one with another. What we think, say and do to another we are, in reality, doing unto ourselves.

Take the time this week to seek the Beloved in your heart; honor, worship and behold It within and without. Practice the Presence of seeing with the eyes of Love regardless of the outer appear­ance. Know that there is a divine connection unit­ing everyone and everything unto Itself. Seek to live in this all-encompassing Love at every mo­ment of every day. Be kind, thoughtful and gener­ous to yourself and others. Know that as you give, so you receive.

Say with me: “I realize and recognize God’s love is in through and as all. I honor the Love in me and I see that Love in each and every person. I am grateful that I have a heart to love in deep and caring ways. And it is so.”

— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiri­tual Living