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Thought for the Week: Meditation

As we value the development of our recognition of the Christ consciousness within us, we come to realize it takes deliber­ate, steady and frequent periods of going into the silence where we wait with patience for the still small voice to speak to us. Many call this act meditation. Meditation is a quieting of the mind. It is removing thoughts and simply being held in the arms of the Beloved. Here, in this sweet space without time or agenda, we simply are.

The demands of the world are many. Our egoic mind seems to constantly be pulled and pushed in a myriad of directions. It takes conscious intention initially to recognize the Reality that we are living in and of – to realize we are living in the Kingdom of God at every moment.

To quiet the “monkey mind” many people initially focus on the breath – to simply recog­nize: “I am breathing in, and to feel that sensation, and then bringing the attention to the out breath and to feel that sen­sation.” Breath after breath the mind is quieted and we are then open and available to Spirit’s calling.

Make the commitment to do this act of quieting the mind and inviting Spirit to fill every mea­sure of your being with Its loving light at least four times daily. It need not be for a lengthy time, perhaps for one or two minutes. It might be as simple as stop­ping and looking at a beautiful majestic mountain or a flitting hummingbird. Michael Bernard Beckwith gives the definition of meditation as: “Undistracted attention to Reality.” If you do this for a few moments through­out the day, you will be drawn to want to linger longer in Love’s embrace and as you do you will attain the consciousness of the truth and realize your oneness with your Source at each and every moment.

Say with me: “I breathe in and You are there. I breathe out and You are there. What is there to fear with You so near? Today I know deep in my bones wher­ever I am I’m never alone, wher­ever I am I am home.”

— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Al­pine Church of Spiritual Living