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Thought for the Week: My true self

My true self is a changeless divine being that has always been and will always be. And yet my personal experience of it is ever changing, growing and evolving so that I may reveal more of my infinite nature. As we grow in stature and wisdom we are always shedding an old skin so to speak in order to step into the present fresh moment.

Science of mind aka: Religious Science is a philosophy that em­braces the laws of Moses, the love of Christ, the ethics of the Buddha, the moral of Confucius and the deep spiritual realiza­tion of the Hindus for we realize there are many paths that lead to the one.

The practices we espouse to help move us into the experi­ence of our true self are: 1. Spiri­tual mind treatment, our form of prayer. 2. Practicing the Pres­ence, going within with deep lis­tening. 3. Self-awareness, being mindful of our self talk and con­scious of our motives. 4. Grati­tude, being grateful for what we are and have. 5. Compassion, claiming the same good for oth­ers that we have for ourselves. 6. Intentional manifestations, con­sciously bringing about greater good for ourselves and all. 7. Sacred study, expanding our un­derstanding of the One Infinite Reality as the self within.

Life is absolutely lived from the inside out. Our mission is to continually clean the window of our soul so that our Light may shine bold, bright and beauti­ful; so that we may be a beacon to help others live in their own Light. We are all connected in this tapestry of Life; what we do to another we do to ourselves. The sooner we realize our unity and give only Love, the sooner we will all be raised up to a high­er level of expression.

Say with me: “Today I make a conscious choice to live from my true Self which is pure Love. I am ever evolving, releasing the old and embracing the new. Life is a grand adventure and I do give thanks for it. And so it is.”

— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Al­pine Church of Spiritual Living