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Thought for the Week: Picture and the frame

This month we’re getting a crash course in A Course In Mir­acles Made Easy by Alan Cohen. Cohen tells us: “A Course In Mir­acles (ACIM aka The Course) is a self study system of spiritual awakening that teaches the way to inner peace and healing through the power of love and forgiveness.”

Life on earth is a fascinating experience, especially when we go to the “heart” of it which is to accept that we are Spirit, creat­ed in the image and likeness of God. This God is unconditional Love. That is the true defining substance of what everything is. Paramahansa Yogananda put it this way: “God sleeps in the minerals, dreams in the flowers, awakens in the animals, and in man knows that He is awake.”

Studying the Course is a re­minder for us to awaken to our true identity. The Course tells us there are only two choices in life – you can either choose to fear or to love. Fear hurts and love heals. Fear is driven by an ego that “edges God out” and believes in separation from our good. Wayne Dyer said, “En­lightenment is your ego’s great­est disappointment.”

This Sunday I’ve chosen to highlight “The Picture and the Frame”, one of Cohen’s chapter titles. Much of our life attention goes to looking at a frame rather than the subject or substance of the masterpiece within it. We dream of and buy fancy cars; we want to live in luxury. We talk about and make compari­sons of lifestyles. All of this is the “frame”. When we fo­cus on the outer “glitz” of life, the most precious gift goes unnoticed and unappreciated.

Say with me: “I am ready to let go of fear; let go of judging and accept the sweet peace of letting love heal all my wounds. I am ready to look at, acknowledge, applaud and truly love the masterpiece that I am within the frame of my life. I am so very blessed. And it is so.”