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Thought for the Week: Rhythm of God

We are always at choice as to whom we shall serve. We can serve duality, thinking we are separate from the Love, Power and Presence of God, having to “make it happen”, or we can choose to serve One Master and acknowledge it is the Love, Power and Presence of God that is my Life now. There is one life and it is God’s life. I of myself can do nothing. To God go all the praise, honor and glory. God is glorified in the fruitage of our lives.

To make contact with the Christ, for no other purpose than to experience It, is the highest form of demonstration there is on earth. Let our prayer be: “Father, all I want is my re­lationship with Thee, my con­scious realization of the Christ – not for any reason, just for the joy of sitting here with the Christ. Christ lives my life. The mo­ment I have Christ, I have no life of my own to live, the responsi­bility is on His shoulders. From now on all I have to do is to follow where He leads, into green pas­tures, beside the still waters.”

As we seek to be Christhood in expression we are as a servant, not a master. For the Christ seeks to give and share from Its fullness. When one is living as Christhood, one lives his life as an instrument through which God can pour Itself out without regard to gauge or limit.

As we live by the grace of God, we are filled with light and love and our vision is clear and ac­cepting that all are living the life of God. Therefore, there is no judgment, no condemnation, no assessment of our fellow human travelers on this earth plane. Be still and know that I am God. Let those words be the meditation that brings us eter­nal peace.

Say with me: “I devote my life to practicing the Presence of God in every moment and in so doing allow peace, love and joy to flow through me with ease and grace.”

— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living