The universe and beyond is the creation of an Infinite Presence and Intelligence we call God. It is changeless in Its nature, yet through Its Law creates all things new. Mankind, made in Its image, has within our means and capacity to place ourselves in harmony or consequently in discord with God’s infinite nature. What is the nature of God? Pure unconditional Love, unbounded Joy, perfect Peace, inexhaustible Abundance and Power, and the list goes on.
When we remember this is our nature, everything that contradicts this pure divine energy is removed and released from our experience. 100% of spiritual maturity is about letting go or releasing a blockage or false notion we’ve carried. Excess of any kind be it body weight or material “stuff” weighs our energy down. Love is our true nature. When we love ourselves just the way we are even perhaps with the excess weight or “stuff” we will naturally make wise choices.
When we draw near to the God of our understanding that is breathing our breath and beating our hearts, we are inwardly inspired to let go and allow Love to lead, guide and do Its magnificent works through us. The river of Life is always flowing. You cannot step into the same river twice. This is God’s nature and when we acknowledge this, letting go – releasing the past and living in the eternal now moment of pure perfection – becomes our experience.
Say with me: “As Love in expression I feel vitally alive and renewed in every moment. I know my life is the life of God, just as a ray of sunlight is to the sun or a drop of ocean water is to the ocean. I willingly and joyfully trust and have faith in God within to do Its works through me this day. For this knowing I am eternally grateful. And it is so.”
—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living