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Thought for the Week: Spiritual consciousness

This month we are diving into the deep teach­ings of Joel Goldsmith and his book, Practicing the Presence. The presence of God is all there is. The sweetest goal for our life is to know the Word of God as taught by the great master Jesus the Christ. Knowing these things, we then take them internally within and practice the Presence of experiencing the Kingdom which is at hand at all times. Our lives are God’s lives and so we take the time and intention to pause at frequent intervals during the day and night to be in the Presence.

One of the most comforting passages in Scrip­ture is: “My peace I give you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you.” We are to worship God in spirit and in trust and faith. The Invisible Grace is our sufficiency in all things. As our spiritual consciousness strengthens and grows, worldly matters grow dim in the brilliance of Divine Light. Our love, hate, or fear of the external di­minishes. God is eternally present. But we need to turn our awareness to It.

Joel tells us, “God is available only in proportion to our realization and willingness to accept the discipline that is necessary for the attainment of that mind which was also in Christ Jesus.” That word “discipline” may make the hair rise on the back of your neck, but actually it is the way in which we can train ourselves to automatically enjoy the riches that are set before us at all times.

Staying in the present moment at hand and adjusting our vision to see the Good (God) that surrounds us is my first recommendation of prac­ticing the Presence. Let the God Presence that is within you take the reins of your life. Allow and trust all is truly well. Join us this month in our journey of deepening our awareness and prac­tice of the Word and Presence so you may live and abide in His peace.

Say with me: “I am ready and eager to keep my focus stayed on accepting that all things work together for good as I love practicing the Presence within and around me. And it is so.”

— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiri­tual Living