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Thought for the Week: Spiritual Priority

This month we are focusing on John Randolph Price’s book, Practical Spirituality with the theme of “4th Dimensional Living”, and this Sunday’s message being “Spiritual Priority”. What is 4th dimensional living? It’s going beyond the 3rd dimension which is the material realm into the spiritual realm where the presence of God resides and reigns.

How and why would we make our spiritual life a priority? We have this desire innately because, if we listen, the still small voice is within each of us encouraging, leading and guiding us to our highest good. Jesus the Christ told us to “Seek first the kingdom and all else shall be added unto us.” Our spirit God-Self only has perfect thoughts, therefore anything we desire is already included in that Thought Energy.

I believe we have been placed on this earth plane to heal our sense of separation from God and to know (experience) our God-Self. The first and primary way to do this is to turn the material world off and go within to be fed and nurtured by our God-Self. Then as we go about our day we con­sciously “practice the Presence”, seeing and feel­ing, this radiating God Energy wherever we are.

When we do this, we rise above the simple mate­rial sense of life and our vision is broadened. We then naturally put more into life than we take out. We radiate Love and Peace energy wherever we are. We help others at every opportunity. And we share time with spiritually minded people. “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am also.” The “I Am” is the true name of our spiritual essence – our own God-Self. When we are established in the great I Am we are lifted to the spiritual realm of pure creativity – into the 4th dimension.

Say with me: “I am ready and willing to seek first the Kingdom within. I am healed from all separa­tion from my God-Self and make practicing the Presence as my number one priority throughout the day. I surrender living only in the material and consciously allow my God-Self to direct my path and ways.”

— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiri­tual Living