As we celebrate a prosperous New Year, I’ve chosen Roy Eugene Davis’ book entitled “The Spiritual Basis of Real Prosperity” as our reference. This week we will look at the Eight Success Principles and how to put them to work for us. In a brief overview they are: #1 Inspiration – the divine influence that empowers. #2 Aspiration – inspired desire to accomplish purposes. #3 Vision – a clear perception of possibilities. #4 Education – acquiring knowledge to live effectively. #5 Participation – personal involvement that allows us to be successful. #6 Faith – conviction that produces results. #7 Persistence – unwavering dedication to the ideal. #8 Grace – Welcome unplanned good fortune.
First and foremost, we must be steeped in the understanding and acceptance that we are spiritual beings and from this vantage we are able to rise above and beyond our past and into great infinite and unlimited ways of being and experiences. Once we accept this beyond a shadow of a doubt, we can then take specific and concrete steps to bring about a life of prosperity and success. But it doesn’t happen by happenstance. It happens due to the level of our conscious participation in our unfoldment. It happens based on our emotional maturity. Davis says: “We are emotionally mature when we cheerfully assume responsibility for our states of awareness, mental states, personal behaviors, and the results of our actions. The emotionally mature person does not blame others or external conditions for the incidents of misfortune they might experience.”
Your life has to be lived. Why not live your life to its highest possibilities? This is a brand-new year and can be a brand new you. Allow yourself to be open to having the desires of your heart come to fruition by your active participation in them.
Say with me: “I am open and willing to take the necessary steps within and without to achieve the desires of my heart. What a great year 2022 will be!”
—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living