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Thought for the Week: Thank you

Want a healthier mind, body and spirit? Try expressing grat­itude. We’re fast approaching our national holiday of Thanks­giving so what better time than now to start a daily habit of looking for ways to be thankful? Being grateful isn’t something that you “should” do, it benefits you in many ways that are sub­liminal yet none the less amaz­ingly beneficial to your entire psyche.

We’re all at choice as to the thoughts we think – we all know that. And from our thoughts follow our emotions. Practicing gratitude can actually block toxic emotions such as envy, resentment and regret. Think­ing about what makes you hap­py and literally writing those things down or speaking words of gratitude to another reduces your stress levels. Lower stress levels bring immense benefits in immeasurable ways.

Why not begin right today to seek and find as many things as possible that make you feel hap­py, that make you glad, and ac­knowledge them in some way? Why? Because the Universe is listening; God is listening. The vibrations of Love and Joy are listening. When we express our gratitude it raises us to those higher frequencies that are al­ways, always present and are just waiting for us to recognize them.

The master teacher, Jesus the Christ, told us, “As you give, so you receive.” The attitude of giving thanks for our daily bread and so much more opens us up to receiving more and more. Be kind to yourself and someone else. Express your sincere gratitude this week.

Say with me: “I am grateful for my well functioning body, mind and soul. I am grateful for the wonderful people in my life. I am grateful for my many talents and the ways I express them. Thank you God for every­thing!”