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Thought for the Week: The gift

Christmas will be here this coming week! I’m sure plans are curtailed well over previ­ous years so this might just be the year to focus on the “reason for the season” – that being the birthing of the Christ con­sciousness. Jesus was sent by God to join mankind as human beings with our innate Divin­ity that awaits our recognition of It.

The topic for this week’s mes­sage is “The Gift”. Of course, gift giving is one of the staples of Christmas and the greatest gift has already been given, but like any other gift, it must be received and opened in order to be experienced. Just what is that gift? The gift of a savior sent from the Father to save us from the sin of ignorance of our oneness with Life eternal and everlasting. The gift of knowing that no matter what we have done or not done in our life, we are forgiven and loved beyond measure. The gift that there awaits within our hearts a Love so deep and so broad it is unfathomable to the human mind.

This love is not something to just know about, it must be experienced. This gift of the Christ consciousness within us takes acceptance.

And as with all the other spiritual gifts, we are to allow and let this Love flow freely through us in order to reap Its joyous rewards. This coming week amid all your other events and activities, remember to in­clude, host and honor the birth­ing of the tender child of Love throughout all your decisions and relations.

Say with me: “I accept the gift of God’s Love being birthed once again at a greater and deeper level within me. I am eager to allow this Love to flow easily and gracefully through my thoughts and activities. I am Love in expression and for this I am ever so grateful. And it is so.”

—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living