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Thought for the Week: Thought patterns

Going back to the basics of Science of Mind, also known as Religious Science, we have established first and foremost there is one Power and Pres­ence known by many names, most commonly God. It is syn­onymous with Love and It is all. This Power is at the core and depth of everything and every­one. Humans are made in Its likeness and have been given do­minion, meaning choice or free will to “name” the experiences in our lives.

The Science of Mind teaches “change your thinking, change your life”. This sounds simple however it is a far cry from be­ing easy. Why? Because we all experience subjective thought patterns. Subjective means be­low the surface where our con­scious mind is unaware of what the subjective mind is doing.

Our teaching espouses the use of affirmations and denials. Affirmations are positive state­ments of things or conditions we wish to experience. Exam­ples of affirmations are: “I am healthy, wealthy and wise.” “I make friends easily.” A denial is: “I now release thoughts of sepa­ration.” Now, we can say these things with all earnestness, however, the subjective mind will look around at our circum­stances and say “No you’re not – look at the evidence around you!”

Here is when we need to allow the Holy Spirit to intercede for us. Here is where we need to re­member “It is the Father within that does the work. I of myself can do nothing.” When we trust and know God is working through our lives we become supple, changeable, trusting. The Christ told us “It is done unto you as you believe.” Our belief needs to be firmly estab­lished on our God Power within – regardless of the evidence we see around us. The Christ told us to “Judge with right judg­ment.” That means to know the Truth that only God, only Love, only Peace is here.

Say with me: “I am an indi­vidual expression and avenue through which Love shows It­self in the world. I am willing to know this Truth and trust that all things work together for good for those who love the Lord (aka Law). My love is deep and pure. I am so blessed and I give thanks. And it is so.”

— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Al­pine Church of Spiritual Living