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Thought for the Week: Uniting mind and heart

When we think we are using the One Mind of God through our own individual mental awareness and personality. The thoughts one thinks lead to the spoken word which leads to one’s actions and experiences. This process can be called our will power. If we are operating merely from our own individual will, we are missing out on the divine potential that awaits our recognition of It. When we open our mind to the larger, broader, infinite Mind and seek to ex­press Its Will we are co-creators in the evolutionary development of humankind.

But thinking alone is only half the equation if we are to awaken to the Christ consciousness within us. We must also open our hearts to experience and express unconditional Love that awaits our recognition of It at the very core of our be­ing. Randolph Price puts it this way: “When will is brought into alignment with love, your vibra­tion becomes broader and your consciousness is lifted into a higher vibration. The driver of will combined with the energy of love from the heart center makes you a Lightbearer – a blessing to everyone within the range of your consciousness.” This is the true definition of “Goodwill”.

The more we consciously unite our will — our choices — with unconditional love we place ourselves in the position of bringing the purpose we were created to be into our experience. Each of us is here to awaken to our divinity and then be a Lightbearer to the world.

Take on the following prac­tice daily. Close your eyes and with your inner eye see a vertical beam of Light connecting your love faculty in your heart to the power of will in the high center of your forehead. As you breathe in move the Light from your heart up to your head and as you exhale bring the beam back down to your heart. Do this for three minutes at a time with the intention of uniting these two Powers.

Say with me: “I love the Self I was created to be. My love ex­tends to all without condition. My will is God’s will. I open my mind to discovering my true mission on earth and I let love point the way, guiding my every step. I am ever so grateful to be a Lightbearer of Goodwill to all. And it is so.”