On Feb. 25, the Alpine Community Planning Group officially announced it is seeking candidates for the appointment of Seat No. 13 of the 15-member group. People wishing to apply to become a member of the ACPG are asked to inform Charmain Travis Lyon of their intention to serve at travislyonacgp@gmail.com. Deadline for applications is March 23.
Candidates must be 18 years old, registered to vote in the area they wish to represent, and disclose any financial interest in real estate or business in the ACPG area. ACPG will interview and make recommendations for the filling of the seat, but the County Board of Supervisors makes the appointment.
At its meeting, Lyons said he had already received three members of the public that had shared their interest in serving on the planning group from Alpine residents Erica Simmons, Colby Ross and John Paul Sullivan.
Lyons said its bylaws state that they post the notice and give a 30 day notice before making any recommendations.
“I’ll be able to promote the members that are willing to serve to panelists in filling that vacancy, so we have an opportunity to offer questions to each of them and to get feedback before we make our recommendation,” he said.
Mike Milligan said it would be best if they could interview the applicants at the next meeting, giving them time to tell a little about themselves and to respond to questions, as the meeting is almost assuredly to be held online.
The ACGP may make a recommendation at its March 25 meeting after hearing from interested candidates. It will then forward its recommendation to the Board of Supervisors for approval.
Candidates must provide a completed application along with their letter of interest. Applications can be located at www.sandiegocounty.gov/pds/CommmunityGroups.