Home Community CHAMBER CHATTER: Sycuan Casino to host Hot Topics, cleaning the creek By...

CHAMBER CHATTER: Sycuan Casino to host Hot Topics, cleaning the creek By the Alpine Mountain Empire Chamber of Commerce

Sycuan Casino and Resort will share its property updates at the Chamber’s next “Hot Top­ics Business Breakfast” on Tues­day, Sept. 11!

The monthly business meet­ing starts at 7:15 a.m. in the ca­sino 5469 Casino Way in Alpine, off Dehesa Road in southeast El Cajon.

Sycuan Casino is hosting the breakfast in its attractive Pai­pas Buffet in the non-smoking section. Chamber members and guests will have a wide variety of breakfast options.

Reservations are requested for the event, which includes networking and Chamber draw­ings.

Everything is included in the $20 cost per ticket.

To RSVP, prepay or for more information, call (619) 445-2722 or visit www.alpinechamber. com.


Enjoy the great outdoors while helping to clean up part of Alpine during the next Coastal Cleanup Day on Saturday, Sept. 15, in Alpine!

Presented by the Back Coun­try Land Trust (BCLT), the morning debris collection will be from 9 a.m. to noon in the 1600 block of Alpine Blvd., just west of the Tavern Road inter­section and behind the Rite Aid drugstore.

“We will continue to remove trash from Alpine Creek and around the roads into and out of Alpine,” said Jon Green, BCLT’s program and outreach direc­tor. “There will be 106 ‘I Love a Clean San Diego’ sites around the county. We’re hosting our 5th Annual Coastal Cleanup. Al­pine is the furthest inland site.”

For more information call (619) 504-8181 or visit www. backcountrylandtrust.org.


The Alpine Mountain Empire Chamber of Commerce is now open 9-5 Monday through Fri­day!

Stop by our second-floor of­fice in Suite 208 of the Alpine Regional Center at 1620 Alpine Blvd. to get free member bro­chures, maps, Chamber infor­mation and referrals.

We’re always interested in hearing from residents, busi­nesses and organizations.

Call (619) 445-2722 if you need directions. Our door is always open!


As this year’s hurricane sea­son begins in the Southeastern USA and following the West Fire blaze in Alpine, here’s a nice reminder that Alpine gives as well as receives.

On Monday, Sept. 4, 2017, Mau­rice McClung sent the Alpine Mountain Empire Chamber of Commerce this note about Hur­ricane Harvey relief supplies that had arrived in a Texas town right after the big weather di­saster there..

“I live in the area impacted by hurricane Harvey,” McClung wrote. “This afternoon I helped unload four truckloads of relief supplies sent from Alpine Cali­fornia to Brookshire Texas. I don’t know anyone in Alpine, but thank you for your efforts to help.”