Home Alpine Highlights CHAMBER CHATTER: Wishing Alpine a happy 2019 and a call for volunteers

CHAMBER CHATTER: Wishing Alpine a happy 2019 and a call for volunteers

Happy New Year to everyone from the Alpine Mountain Em­pire Chamber of Commerce!

Many thanks to the people —- Chamber members, sponsors and everyone else — who have helped support our communi­ties during 2018.

May you and your loved ones all have a healthy, happy and prosperous 2019!

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Imagine helping a child ex­plore his or her future!

The Alpine Mountain Empire Chamber of Commerce offers that volunteer option to anyone who would like to talk with mid­dle-school students about pos­sible jobs, careers and colleges during the local annual Career Days in spring of 2019.

About 300 students will at­tend Career Day for the Moun­tain Empire Unified School District on Friday, March 22. It will be at Mountain Empire High School in Pine Valley.

“Thank you Grossmont Col­lege for coming and speaking to us about all the things you guys have on campus,” student Kate­lyn wrote to the college after the 2018 Career Day.

Another 500 young people in the Alpine Union School District want information on Friday, March 29. That Career Day will be at Joan MacQueen Middle School in Alpine.

Manager Bob Ring of Alpine Barons Market has been at Ca­reer Days since the Chamber started them in 2015.

“The kids appreciate the interaction,” said Ring, the Cham­ber’s Vice Chairman. “They’re serious and they ask good ques­tions. It just makes good sense for businesses to be there if they want to hire good employees in the future.”

Ring said organizations espe­cially have to start getting the word out about where young people can get involved in com­munity service.

To participate or for details, call the Chamber at (619) 445- 2722 or e-mail jom@alpinecham­ber..com.

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Children are invited to the free annual Youth Olympics of the Kiwanis Club of Alpine on Saturday, Jan. 26, in Alpine!

Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. at Alpine Elementary School at 1850 Alpine Blvd. The fun event for elementary school children is from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

They will compete for medals in basketball dribble, basketball free throw, bicycle gymkhana, 20-40-60 meter races, long jump, pull ups, sit ups, soccer ball dribble, softball throw and rope skipping.

A magician entertains the children while scores are tallied. Lunch is available from the Alpine Kiwanis Cook Shack!

For more information visit www.AlpineKiwanis.com.

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The Alpine Mountain Empire Chamber of Commerce is closed for the holidays. It will repen on Wednesday, Jan. 2. Open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, after hours, call (619) 445-2722 to leave a message.