Home Alpine Highlights Community effort making Alpine Boulevard greener

Community effort making Alpine Boulevard greener

Twelve new native drought-tolerant plants, including two oak trees, are officially growing along Al­pine Boulevard!

About 15 volunteers partici­pated in the preparation, dig­ging and watering on Dec. 1 to replace greenery outside The Alpine Sun newspaper at 2144 Alpine Blvd. and the nearby Al­pine Woman’s Club headquar­ters at 2156 Alpine Blvd.

As curious passersby turned to watch and business people came out to praise the beautification effort, five plants and one tree were placed at each lo­cation.

“We had a fantastic turnout,” said Jon Green, Back Country Land Trust (BCLT) program and outreach director. “We got a lot of kudos.”

The Alpine Mountain Empire Chamber of Commerce, BCLT and the Certified Community Wildlife Habitat organized the effort to replant the boulevard after construction damage.

A Lush Handmade Cosmetics grant to the land trust has pro­vided 500 free plants for partici­pating businesses and property owners. Watering arrangements can be made for the first year.

Counting two plants placed unofficially in November out­side Alpine Motorsports & Equipment Repair at 2435 Al­pine Blvd., 14 new plants are growing so far. More are due later this month and January.

During the latest planting Green provided free seminars about native planting techniques, plant selection, water­ing needs, mulch and erosion control.

“It was amazing,” said Jennifer Tschida, The Alpine Sun’s as­sociate publisher and Alpine’s 2018 Honorary Mayor. “Jon was super organized, ready to go.”

Tschida, who is expecting a baby soon, said she was touched by the tree selection.

Green said he chose a 2-foot-tall tree for the Alpine Woman’s Club and for the newspaper “a little baby oak so it will grow up with her son.”

“Fifty years from now my son will be driving on Alpine Boule­vard with his family, pointing and saying ‘That’s my tree,’” Ts­chida said.

For more information, to be a sponsor or to volunteer to wa­ter plants, call the Chamber at (619) 445-2722 or e-mail back­countrylandtrust@gmail.com; lorib@alpinechamber.com or carletteanderson@aol.com.