Home Political Jones has positive result, wants retest

Jones has positive result, wants retest

State Sen. Brian Jones

State Sen. Brian Jones, 38th District, tested positive for COVID-19. In a statement on his Twitter account he said he would be taking additional test to rule out the possibility of a false-positive result.

“Upon my return to Sacra­mento for the end of session and long hours in the capital with colleagues, we were all offered a test for COVID-19,” he stated on Aug. 28. “Thankfully, I chose to take the test and when I re­ceived my positive result, I im­mediately quarantined to pre­vent spreading the virus from others. I appreciate all the well wishes from colleagues and friends, am feeling fine and fol­lowing public health guidelines. I am participating in session remotely should I need to voice the concerns of my constituents.

Although the Senate normal­ly would not allow remote ses­sions, it reversed course upon Jones’ positive test, which sent all but one Republican sena­tor participating in session via Zoom from their home districts.

In a May interview, Jones said that he did not believe that county officials were moving fast enough to reopen the econ­omy.

“I still think that some of the regulations that they are com­ing in with are not based on science or epidemiology,” Jones said. “They are based on a reac­tion from fear rather than what is really going to keep us safe. I’m not out on a limb on this. [County supervisors] Jim Des­mond, Kristin Gaspar are lead­ing the way in San Diego.,” the Republican from Santee said.

Jones is chair of the Senate Republican Caucus and a mem­ber of the Senate Special Com­mittee on Pandemic Emergency Response.