Home News Judge sends two men away for nearly 20

Judge sends two men away for nearly 20

Two East County men have been sentenced to 10 and six years respectfully to state prison in a case solved by Alpine sheriff’s detectives.

Andrew Robert Myers, 36, of Lakeside, got the 10 year term from El Cajon Superior Court Judge John Thompson, who fined him $8,473.

Myers was ordered to pay $62,395 to five busi­nesses for a series of thefts from December, 2016, to January 2019, according to court records.

Adam Mat­thew Nuno, 36, of Spring Val­ley, received six years in prison and was fined $2,283, but was not ordered to pay restitution.

Deputy Dis­trict Attorney Jordan McCann said Myers took cigarettes, other tobacco products and beauty supply products dur­ing the break-ins.

Search warrants were served on two locations and deputies found a clandestine marijuana grow­ing operation and a butane honey oil extraction laboratory.

Myers pleaded guilty to five counts of commer­cial burglary, and 10 other counts were dismissed.

Myers was transferred to the North Kern State Prison after arriving there on Sept. 29. Nuno is serving his term in Wasco State Prison.

Nuno pleaded guilty to four counts of burglary and attempted burglary, tampering with an elec­tric cable owned by San Diego Gas & Electric, pos­session of marijuana for sale, and possession of am­munition by an ex-felon.

The businesses include a Chevron station, Rite-Aid drug store, a vape shop in El Cajon, a smoke shop, and other service stations, according to court records.

Myers had been in jail since his arrest in January 2019, so he received credit for 1,088 days in jail, ac­cording to records.

Nuno had been free on bond, so he only received credit for 17 days in jail at sentencing.