Home Community Library’s sweet February

Library’s sweet February

By Susan Del Castillo

Greetings Alpine Library Community,

February is Library Lovers’ Month! Thank you for your par­ticipation in, and support of, our Alpine Library. Here are some highlights for this month:

Enjoy half-price museum ad­mission at more than 60 mu­seums in the San Diego area! The library collaborates with the San Diego Museum Council to distribute passes to all in the community. Pick up your dis­count pass at the library start­ing Tuesday, January 30. Begin using the pass February 1.

Families that play together stay together! The library offers many opportunities that are fun for all ages. Check out Family Bingo on Saturday, February 17 from 11 a.m. to noon, or Family Game Time on Tuesday, Febru­ary 20 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Al­so, our instantly popular Lego Club will take place again this month on Tuesdays, February 13 & 27 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

This is a small sampling of our events. Open the attached calendar for a complete sched­ule or visit sdcl.org/alpine. All library programs are free and open to the public. Thank you to the Alpine Library Friends Association for their generous support.

See you at the library!

Susan del Castillo is Librarian II/ Branch Manager at the Alpine Branch Library.