Home Sports Little League opens summer season with day camps, no games

Little League opens summer season with day camps, no games

Lakeside American Little League 12U players saw last year’s all-star run end in the California Section 7 championship final.

Normally at this time of year, Little League fields throughout East County would be packed with players and spectators.

But this is not a normal year.

Far from it in all regards amid the ongoing COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.

But life remains resilient, and it is starting to reemerge, at least in phases.

That includes youth baseball.

Many of California District 41 Little League’s individual leagues have reopened for prac­tices in recent weeks amid a day-camp format following strict San Diego County health guidelines.

There are no actual games being played, but kids are back in a familiar environment with their friends.

That is powerful medicine in these uncertain times.

Posts on the District 41 Face­book site are filled with opti­mism and gratitude that serve to shine a ray of hope over an otherwise dark landscape.

Batter up

Kristin Gaspar, who repre­sents District 3 on the San Di­ego County Board of Supervi­sors, went to bat for youth sports in spearheading a grassroots movement to get kids back on the practice field. She solicited input from league presidents and directors from a variety of youth sports throughout the county to develop a compre­hensive set of safety protocols that would place a return to the practice field in a day camp set­ting.

She presented both the city of San Diego, and ultimately Governor Gavin Newsome, with a set of guidelines that conform within safety parameters of ex­isting COVID-19 (coronavirus) protocols.

Her efforts were rewarded on June 5 when Gov. Newsome re­leased guidance for a return to day sports camps.

“We did it, San Diego!” Gas­par exclaimed in triumph. “Our mighty team of parents, coach­es, professional athletes, and volunteers stepped up to the plate, on to the pitch, into the end zone, and out on the court like big time lobbyists.”

It was a victory but there is still much more to be done.

Area leagues must follow guidelines set by the state of California, County of San Diego and Little League Baseball.

At present, the format is lim­ited to a day-camp practices to comply with local health guide­lines and safety protocols. That includes social distancing on the field and sanitizing equip­ment and mask requirements. Coaches screen players for any COVID-19 symptoms before practice starts.

No more than 12 players can be in one group at one time.

League have had to reopen fields amid requirements from the local jurisdictions they fall under, including the local cit­ies, county, various school dis­tricts and parks and recreation departments.

District 41 leagues include Alpine American, El Cajon Na­tional, El Cajon Western, Fletch­er Hills, Jamul, Julian, Lakeside American, Lakeside National, Mountain Empire, Rancho de Oro, Rios Canyon, Santee Pio­neer, Santana National, Singing Hills and West Hills.

“At Fletcher Hills Little League, we’ve done all the things required of us by the county to get the kids out on the fields and playing base­ball, but it has come with some challenges,” Fletcher Hills Little League President Erik Weichelt said. “With 70 percent of our league returning to play, we’ve had some busy fields and it’s awesome to watch.

“Yet, there’s been some pres­sure to get moving on from practice to games from both coaches and parents, which is totally understandable. Thank­fully, the managers and coach­es have stepped up to get these kids out of the house and play­ing ball a couple times a week, even though games are uncer­tain.

Weichelt said another chal­lenge is that most leagues will have field allocation challeng­es starting on Aug. 1 at which point they have to share with another fall sport league for field usage, limiting time to proceed to games.

“Luckily at FHLL, we have sole field allocation at both our facilities, but it’s the kids that play other sports besides base­ball,” Weichelt said.

Safety remains first and fore­most for players and volunteers alike.

The return to field protocols are extensive.

It’s mandatory for coaches to wear masks around children. No one is allowed in the dugout. Players have their equipment placed away from the dugout but spaced out for social dis­tancing. The only time kids are allowed in the dugout is to use the hand sanitizers.

There are signs put up all over the field for social distanc­ing. Parents have to stay in des­ignated areas away from the field.

No one is allowed to share masks or equipment.

While there are no organized scrimmages or games, the em­phasis is on having fun with peers.

But it’s something, and some­thing definitely therapeutic for the kids.

District officials are hop­ing that the health situation improves enough to allow for actual game play. But that OK would have to come from the governor and then amended by any city or county health guideline protocols.

If a return to game play is possible, it’s likely to be in some condensed format, including Tournament of Champions and All-Star tournaments.

Little League baseball fields could stay open into the fall, if needed.

A legion of volunteers has put in an extraordinary effort just to get to this stage and should be commended.

This has meant restricting access to the facility, including one-way entrance and exits to the grounds (similar to what is happening in grocery stores). There are required COVID-19 symptom postings and safe dis­tancing rules. There are now team check-ins to allow for symptoms screenings for all members of the team.

Hand sanitizing stations are located throughout the facil­ity. Coaches are masked and instructed to give players fre­quent sanitizing breaks.

Equipment is sanitized and rotated out as much as possible.

Most dugouts are closed off and players’ gear are placed outside of the dugout, spaced out to support social distancing. All bleacher areas are closed off for seating. If established, there are separate spectator areas.

Fields and practice sites are cleaned and sanitized after each team has used the field and before the next team takes the field, in addition to regular cleaning and sanitizing of rest­room areas.

It’s practice only, but the kids are back on the field and out of the house for the summer.