Home Community Local service groups offer financial aid to students

Local service groups offer financial aid to students

With the 2019 school year under­way, multiple philanthropic groups and nonprofit organizations are starting to release scholarship in­formation for residents of Alpine and the back country. The follow­ing information can be used as a starting point:



  • Voice of Democracy

Established in 1947, the Voice of Democracy audio-essay program provides high school students with the unique opportunity to express themselves in regards to a demo­cratic and patriotic-themed record­ed essay. Each year, nearly 40,000 9-12 grade students from across the country enter to win their share of $2.1 million in educational schol­arships and incentives awarded through the program. The na­tional first-place winner receives a $30,000 scholarship paid directly to the recipient’s American univer­sity, college or vocational/tech­nical school. The 2019 theme is What Makes America Great.

Deadline to apply: Oct. 31, 2019 to local VFW post, 844 Tavern Road.

  • Patriot’s Pen

Each year more than 132,000 students in grades 6-8 enter the VFW’s Patriot’s Pen youth essay contest. The national first-place winner wins $5,000 and an all-ex­pense-paid trip to Washington, D.C. Want to apply? Read the rules and requirements online at vfw.org

Deadline to apply: Oct. 31, 2019 to local VFW post, 844 Tavern Road.


  • Young American Creative Pa­triotic Art Contest

Students in grades 9-12 can enter their 2D or 3D art into this contest. The first-place winner from each state competes for national awards totaling $31,000.

Specific information on art dimensions and other require­ments can be found online at vf­wauxiliary.org

Deadline to apply: March 31, 2020 to local VFW Auxiliary, 844 Tavern Road.




  • Live Your Dream Awards

This education grant is in­tended for women who provide the primary financial support for their families. Recipients can use the Live Your Dream Award to offset costs associ­ated with their efforts to attain higher education, including tu­ition, books, childcare, carfare or any other education related ex­pense. According to Soroptimist Kiersten Pinard, the most chal­lenging aspect of this program is getting applications into the hands of eligible women.

For more information, contact Kiersten at: sialpine@soropti­mist.net

Deadline to apply: Nov 15, 2019.


  • Alpine Woman’s Club Schol­arship

Scholarship applications can­not be submitted until January but information is already post­ed on the website for students to review and begin gathering in­formation. Scholarship Coordi­nator Suzie Curtis says that it is such fun to reach all the applica­tions and be reassured that our country is going to be in excel­lent hands as our Alpine youth go out into the world to make a difference… do not despair, dear reader, for there’s hope. More information can be found at: al­pinewomansclub.org



  • Molly Jean Featheringill Scholarship

This $500 scholarship is in­tended for high school seniors who live in Descanso. More in­formation can be obtained at the Descanso library, 9545 River Drive.