Home Community Sanctuary opens organic garden to public

Sanctuary opens organic garden to public

The San Diego Animal Sanctuary & Farm, formerly the Children’s Nature Retreat Foundation, announced the opening of its 20-acre organic garden. Produce sales from the garden directly fund the animals in the sanctuary, producing lettuce, carrots, radishes, kale, squash, zucchini, chard and more, harvested daily. In the growing stage, the farm also has a variety of tomatoes, spinach, fruits, bell peppers, corn and more.

SDASF Executive Director Anges Barrelet said that the creation of an organic farm has been a goal of the sanctuary since its inception.

“We’re so thrilled to see it come to life and feed, both our animals, and be available for the community,” said Barrelet. “Now is the perfect time to come for a visit to the Farm – there are plenty of shady spots to take in the peacefulness, and even misters to stay cool, even on the warmer summer days, plus you can take home some fresh veggies too!”

The Sanctuary & Farm is open seven days a week, from 1 a.m. to 5 p.m. Farm fresh produce is available for purchase seven days a week; no admission fee is necessary to buy produce. The garden is producing enough to feed the sanctuary’s tortoises and pigs and share with the community as well.

Barrelet encourages people to visit the Sanctuary and Farm to help provide financial support for the infrastructure and care of the animals. Alpine residents, military, first responders, teachers, and veteran families receive 10% on tickets. “Guests can feed orchard hay through or over the fence and poultry feed for the chicken and ducks. People can see and feed some of the 200-plus domesticated livestock and exotic animals around the world – 30 plus different species and 70 plus distinct breeds. Private guided tours, up-close and personal experiences can be added to the visit as well,” added Barrelet.

To make a reservation visit www. SanDiegoAnimalSanctuaryand- Farm.org/tickets. The Farm is located at 5178 Japatul Spur in Alpine. For more information, visit www.SanctuaryAndFarm.org.